
The Play-or-Pay Penalty and Counting Employees under the ACA

Since 2015, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has required applicable large employers (ALEs) to offer their full-time employees health coverage or pay one of two shared responsibility penalties (ESRP or "play-or-pay"). An employer is an ALE if it employs 50 or more full-time or full-time equivalent employees. Final IRS regulations provide guidance to help employers determine if they are ALEs and what they must do to avoid penalties.

January 2024 Webinar Recording:
Mastering Medicare – Employer Rules & Regulations
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Attend this month’s webinar to learn how Medicare relates to group health plans of all sizes.

Gain insights into:
  • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) online disclosure and creditable coverage notices
  • The impact of enrollment in Medicare on HSA contributions
  • Administration and coordination between COBRA and Medicare

Be able to answer these questions:
  • Can CMS affect the way my group health plan pays claims?
  • Can an employer provide incentives to Medicare beneficiaries to waive or terminate primary group health plan coverage?
  • What fines and penalties are associated with non-compliance with CMS regulations?

Registration Code: UBA410EW

Earn Recertification Credits
This webinar has been submitted to the Human Resource Certification Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management to qualify for 1 recertification credit hour.
The use of the HRCI seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval. Kutak Rock is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.

December 2023 Compliance Recap

December provided employers an opportunity to review year-end compliance to prepare for the new year. Employers confirmed that their worksite posters are appropriate for the type of business, number of employees, and state, and are the most recent version. Employers who are applicable large employers (ALEs) must be aware of potential penalties including those for not offering affordable coverage through employer contributions. Several states have implemented their own Individual Mandate, consequently employers in those states need to prepare for the type and timing of that reporting. December was also a good time to review retention and confidentiality requirements for employee files and employment-related records pertaining to group benefits.

New Year, New Benefits
Source: Mineral

12 Days of Compliance
Happy New Year! Or, more accurately, Happy New Plan Year! After successfully leading your organization through benefits open/annual enrollment last fall, you deserve a toast to the start of the plan year—generally, January 1 for many employer-sponsored plans. However, as you celebrate, be sure to clink your glass to compliance as well. In the spirit of the season, here’s a "12 Days of Compliance" checklist to help you end 2023 and plan for a successful 2024.

5 Key Stakeholders for 2024 Communication Success
A well-crafted benefits strategy is a cornerstone of employee satisfaction and retention—but its success doesn’t end with annual enrollment. A crucial yet often overlooked aspect is communication, particularly among key HR stakeholders. To keep you and those stakeholders on the right side of your new year’s resolutions, here are the top five audiences to align and communicate with regularly regarding your benefits plans...Learn More
Question of the Week

Q: What is mentoring in the workplace?

A: Mentoring is a professional relationship between a senior or more experienced employee (the mentor) and a newer or less experienced one (the mentee). The mentor shares their knowledge and experience, offering guidance, advice, feedback, and encouragement. The mentee, for their part, can go to their mentor with personal and professional goals, questions, and frustrations.

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